

Can You Honestly Say You Know Where 100% of Your Inventory is 100% of the Time?

If YES, You Need The

If NO, You Really Need The

The DOG, Device on Guard, an Asset Monitoring System

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Connect Pup To Your Vehicles

Connect Antenna to Your Computer

Receive Instant Notifications

How it Works


A revolutionary vehicle

management system

for dealers & consumers

Device On Guard

How it works?

Connect APS with Vehicle

Vehicle installation is easy and simply, plugging the APS into the OBD-II port on your vehicle.

Setup Antenna Base

Plug antenna into USB port on your PC, setup software to start monitoring.

Start Receiving Notifications

Then you will be able to receive notifications via your phone, text and/or email.

The D.O.G. Features

Monitor Car Status

Get notifications on battery status, fuel levels and engine diagnostic lights.

Real Time Monitoring

The DOG™ device monitors your assets in real time, 24/7, 365 days a year!

DOG Features

Increase Vehicle Security

Night time security alerts you instantly if an asset has unauthorized access.

Access Vehicle Information Anywhere

Our software gives you access to your vehicle status from anywhere.


Imagine never again having to physically touch your inventory again!!

Spending hours walking your lot writing down stock numbers, checking vin numbers only to find out ones missing!

Wondering where and how long it has been gone?

Now! With the DOG™ system in place you can monitor your vehicles in real time knowing every minute where each vehicle is (spot delivers, outside vendors, etc. etc.) See your complete inventory & the status of each vehicle right from your desk.

  • Improve Lot Security

    With the DOG system in place night time security will be greatly improved. Your Asset Monitoring System will take over and monitor your vehicles throughout the night.

  • Enhance Manager Efficiency

    Easily control dealership operational details such as spot deliveries, test-drive agreements, vendors, battery status, and much ,much more!

  • Monitor Battery Status

    Never lose another deal due to a dead vehicle battery. The chance of selling a vehicle with a dead battery is virtually zero.

  • DMS Interface Sync

    The DOG is continually synchronized with your Dealer Management System (DMS) vehicle inventory. Vehicles with the APSs are automatically connected to the DOG.

DOG for Customers


If you are interested in a closer control of your home vehicles, the DOG™ is the system for you.

Get phone, text and or email notifications of when vehicles leaves/returns, along with vehicle status information, such as:

  • Battery and fuel levels
  • Diagnostics Status
  • Other Vehicle Codes

You will have access to this information 24×7, anywhere.

What others say about us

Jim Wood

Since the [install] date, I have been able to monitor all my vehicles in real time from anywhere I choose. I have not lost any deals because of no gas, dead batteries or not knowing where and when my cars would be back. […]

Jim WoodWood Motor Co.
Donald Wilson

Now, since starting Denny’s Auto Sales we were introduced to a lot like no other. For one, EVERY car started for us to pull out and take pictures (rare), then we noticed EVERY vehicle had plenty of gas. […] Well, apparently Denny the owner had developed the ultimate tracking system. Called the DOG.

Donald WilsonCEO Independent Dealer Services

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